Be informed. Get your voice heard. Cast your vote.
Bahman Yazdanfar
Fiscal responsibility and respect for taxpayers, Individual freedom and the right to free speech, Sovereignty and protection of common-law rights, Transparency and accountability in government.
Read MoreDrew Garvie
The aim of the Communist Party is a socialist Canada: a society in which the wealth is owned equitably by the working people who create it, and where exploitation and oppression of one human being by another is ended. With this aim, the CPC works with all those who struggle for peace, democracy, and social progress.
Read MoreBrad Harness
Consensus Ontario was created because Ontario has problems... As Ontario residents and taxpayers, we all realize that nothing is perfect. Certainly problems exist on many fronts. But we do have the hope and expectation that those problems will begin to be fixed, right? And yet, problems in how the Province of Ontario is run have been around for decades. They're not new - many politicians and political parties have promised to fix them. The three main parties (Liberal, PC, and NDP) have all had their turn in government... But they haven't ended up fixing these problems, and now those problems are getting worse. They include pretty much all areas the province is responsible for, including health, education, long-term care, transportation, energy, agriculture, labour, natural resources, northern development, mining, forestry, etc. CONSENSUS ONTARIO was founded in 2016 to solve the conundrum voters are confronted with: How do we vote for someone as MPP and still get our local riding's wants and needs paid attention to, in a party-based political system? Short answer is that only the removal of all political parties will solve the poor representation individual ridings and, in fact, the entire province suffers under. CONSENSUS ONTARIO ran 10 test candidates in the 2018 provincial election, placing an impressive 9th out of 28 political parties on their first try. Voter feedback during that election campaign was very positive, and convinced us to try again in a larger and more focused way, in the next election being held on 2 June 2022. CONSENSUS ONTARIO is governed by a board of directors who meet monthly. Directors are volunteers who head up committees of other volunteers working on things such as Outreach, Communications, Election Readiness, Candidate Recruitment, Fund-Raising & Policy Development (pertaining to the implementation of Consensus Government in Ontario). The Leader of CONSENSUS ONTARIO is Brad Harness of London. Brad has headed up the party since 2016 and ran as a candidate in London-West in 2018. Educated at McMaster University and Sheridan College, his career has included two decades as a naval officer, followed by 25 years as a journalist and CEO of his own company, involved in publishing, retail and property rentals. Brad's goals have always been to improve things over time and to reach decisions wherever possible through consensus. He and his partner have married adult children and their first grandchildren...and Brad is, therefore, determined to leave Ontario and Canada better than he found it!
Read MorePeter House
To the excitement of almost nobody, we are probably having a federal election this fall in Canada.
Read MorePaul McKeever
We believe that government decisions should be founded only upon facts and claims that are supported, ultimately, by physical evidence. Government decision making should be strictly logical, and should ignore claims, conclusions, or decisions that are not backed by physical evidence.
Read MoreMike Schreiner
The Green Party of Ontario begins with the basic premise that all life on the planet is interconnected and that humans have a responsibility to protect and preserve the natural world.
Read MoreJim Karahalios
New Blue MPPs elected on June 2nd, 2022, will fight to end all COVID-19 mandates, including: a complete repeal of Doug Ford’s emergency measures; a ban on COVID-19 vaccine passports; a reduction in the powers of local bureaucrats; and restitution for those harmed by emergency measures applied by the governments of Justin Trudeau or Doug Ford.
Read MoreAndrea Horwath
It will endeavour to establish in this province a government whose objective shall be to substitute economic planning for irresponsible control with all its unjust consequences and thereby to give maximum opportunity for public, co-operative, and private enterprise to contribute to the development of our province. To this end we will invite the co-operation of all persons who are dedicated to the extension of freedom, the abolition of poverty, and the elimination of exploitation
Read MoreGreg Vezina
The None of the Above Direct Democracy Party of Ontario and Canada are part of a worldwide movement of new and independent parties and candidates campaigning for direct democracy and voter empowerment policies supported by voters and non-voters alike. In some countries it is a negative option vote similar to declining a ballot as is presently allowed in Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta. A private member’s bill was introduced in the Commons in 2001 proposing amendments to the election act that would permit an elector to formally decline the ballot but it was not supported by any of the parties with status. Other Chief Electoral Officers’ recommendations to Canadian legislatures to so the same have been refused.
Read MoreJoshua E. Eriksen
The Ontario Alliance (French: Alliance de l’Ontario) is a pro Ontario first populist regionalist provincial political party in the province of Ontario, Canada currently led by Joshua E. Eriksen. Founded in 2017, as a political response to a lack of local, regional and populist voice for the people of Rural and Northern Ontario that has led to widespread regional disparity. The party was established based on a principled grand coalition of former provincial Liberal and Progressive Conservative party members and supporters who sought to block the Ontario New Democratic Party (NDP) and its opposing ideological socialism from gaining power in the province.
Read MoreMansoor Qureshi
We, as the Centrist Party of Ontario, believe governance should be transparent and easy to understand. Governance should be dictated by the people and work for the people. It should strive to ensure all – no matter the ethnicity, origin, race or color – have a voice, which is heard and acted upon. We believe real work starts at the grassroots level which is why we encourage community engagements to notify us of pertinent issues that need to be addressed.
Read MoreSteven Del Duca
Steven sees an economic and social safety net that is inadequate to deal with the disruption of automation and digitisation, and he believes that government has a responsibility to find positive solutions to meet this challenge. He knows that broadly shared economic prosperity is impossible without addressing these challenges. Simplistic slogans and political platitudes won’t do – real solutions and real progress come from hard work.
Read MoreMark Snow
I believe that Principles Matter when considering how public policies affect Ontario’s citizens, and that Freedom of Choice for every citizen defines a true democracy. Libertarians have been known for half a century as Champions of Democracy by our unwavering defence of Individual Property Rights and our commitment to Do No Harm to our fellow citizens. Good principles for public governance transcend political partisanship and rightly belong to every citizen. The following Four Principles for Civil Society have inspired my vision for a unified and prosperous Ontario.
Read MoreYuri Duboisky
The Ontario Moderate Party is a party based on opposition the Social Democratic religion represented by liberals, conservatives and New Democratic Party. Why Social Democracy is a religion? Because anything that you believe, but that do not exists in reality is a religion.
Read MoreDerek Sloan
An Ontario Party Government will: Use all means at its disposal to ensure that no Ontario citizen can be compelled to commit an act, or communicate an idea, that directly contradicts their sincerely held religious beliefs or moral convictions deemed legal under the Criminal Code and protected by the Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Neither the provincial government, its affiliated bodies, nor those organizations that receive provincial government funding will be permitted to breach the conscience rights of a citizen.
Read MoreJohn Turmel
The Pauper Party of Ontario was founded by the registration of two candidates, John Turmel and Mike Spottiswood during the 2011 Ontario general election. Our programs are based on those of the Abolitionist Party of Canada ( anti-slavery, debt not metal chains)
Read MoreImre Torma
The Populist Party Ontario (PPO) has been created to provide an option for those who recognize that our established political parties, and indeed our entire institution of representative democracy has failed, and continues to fail the people.
Read MoreDoug Ford
The following are the aims and principles of the Party: (a) We believe in freedom of speech, worship and assembly, in loyalty to Canada and to the Monarch of Canada and in the rule of law. (b) We believe that government should serve the people and that progress requires a competitive economy, which, accepting its social responsibilities, allows every individual freedom of opportunity and initiative and the peaceful enjoyment of the fruits of his or her own labour. (c) We believe in the ethical and accountable execution of the business of government. (d) We believe that the interests of Ontario are best served by a strong, united and democratic Canada. (e) We believe that economic freedom, entrepreneurial spirit and the right to private property are essential to economic prosperity and political freedom. (f) We believe in the values of the family which encourage tolerance and mutual support. (g) We believe that social justice entails equality of opportunity, including fair and equal treatment for all Ontarians and the provision of support to those in need. (h) We believe in and accept our responsibilities for the preservation of Ontario's heritage and cultural diversity and the conservation and renewal of our environment for present and future generations.
Read MoreE. Ken Ranney
"Concerned Canadians have created the STOP CLIMATE CHANGE PARTY because Canada is not doing its share to prevent the disasters that will happen if we do not stop climate change. We have to stop using fossil fuels NOW, if we hope to keep climate change from getting worse. We must switch to sustainable electricity with the urgency and speed we would discover in time of war. (Metaphoric: we abhor war.)"
Read MoreRobert (Bob) Yaciuk
Prioritize policy that is designed to: benefit the citizens of Ontario specifically. Every citizen of Ontario should, if they work hard and smart, have a fulfilling job so they can fulfill their and their families dreams. Move us toward an attitude of growing and thriving rather than asking everyone who is carrying the freight (a.k.a. taxpayers) to constantly be cutting back and being restricted from pursuing their dreams. The Trillium Party of Ontario believes every family should feel they can enjoy the pleasure of home ownership if they desire. The job of the gov’t of Ontario is to facilitate the wishes and dreams of their citizens…NOT DEFINE THEM! And above all, TRUTH IN FACTS AND FIGURES. Only when a person has accurate information can that person make an informed decision.
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