Get Informed About Politics is a non-partisan and not-for-profit platform for civic engagement. Its goal is to empower and support Canadian citizens and residents to navigate and participate in Canada's democracy with ease.

Find out who represents you

Enter your postcode or a nearby landmark to see who represents you at three levels of government.

Ask Beaver your questions

Submit your questions regarding Canadian politics and our democratic system to Ask Beaver, an easy-to-use feature on YouCount.

Compare election candidates

Make better-informed voting decisions and compare candidates in your riding using our Election Module.

E-toolkits (coming soon)

Navigate Canadian politics, Indigenous matters, and anti-discrimination resources you can trust with ease.

Fun activities (coming soon)

Build your knowledge with fun trivia, bingo, and scavenger hunt games––play yourself or with a group!

Get Involved!

Join a growing grassroots initiative in transforming Canada’s democracy! Connect with like-minded individuals, gain experience in public engagement, and inspire change. We are united in our emphasis on supporting and empowering youth, seniors, Indigenous communities, marginalized people (2SLGBTQIA+, people with disabilities, and BIPOC), immigrants and refugees, and overseas Canadians.

Ask Eager Beaver

What does the Governor General do? How are provincial and territorial governments different from each other? Ask Beaver! If you got a question about Canada’s political system that has long puzzled you, we’ll take your top-voted, factual questions to experts and politicians for accurate and in-depth answers. Please keep questions brief, factual, and friendly!

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