Terms of Use

User accounts

Although you don’t need an account for finding information on our sites, you need an account for most activities on YouCount (events, topic discussions, e-town halls, etc.). Keep your password somewhere safe, because you’re responsible for all activity associated with your profile. If you suspect someone else is using your account, let us know. You have to be at least 14 years or older to have an account with YouCount.ca.

The YouCount platform is for people who are at least 14 years of age. If you are younger than 14 you may not set up an account by yourself, but we encourage you to invite a parent or guardian to create a campaign about areas of interest to you. If we discover that you have created an account without a parent or guardian and you are younger than 14, we will terminate your account.

User content rules

You’re responsible for what you post on YouCount.ca. You should keep your comments in line with our Community Guidelines and the law, and respect the intellectual property rights of others. It’s not something we want to do, but we can terminate your account for repeated or major offences.

Follow our Community Guidelines: When posting content you must follow the Community Guidelines. Abide by the law and respect the rights of others: you cannot post any content that violates applicable local or national laws of Canada, or international laws or regulations. You are solely responsible for any content you post via the YouCount.ca platform and the consequences of posting it.

Enforcement by YouCount: If we are put on notice that your content violates the law or the rights of others (for example, if it is established that it is defamatory or violates privacy, intellectual property, or publicity rights or others), if we discover that your content violates our Community Guidelines, or if we believe your content is inappropriate or objectionable, we may remove it from our platform, or we may make edits to bring your content into compliance. In the vast majority of cases, we will notify you and try to work with you to fix the issue before we take any of these actions (but we are not obligated to). YouCount has discretion in enforcing these Terms. We may terminate or suspend your permission to use our platform and services, or disable your account at any time - with or without notice - for any material or repeated violation of these Terms, upon the request of law enforcement or government agencies, for unexpected technical issues or problems, or for engagement by you in fraudulent or illegal activities. Upon any such termination we may delete your account, passwords, and content and we may prevent you from further access to the platform and use of our services. You agree that we will have no liability to you or any third party for termination of your account, removal of your content or blocking of your access to our platform and services.

Posting user content

You retain ownership of content you post to YouCount, but you should make sure you’re allowed to share it. We’re allowed to make versions of your content publicly available to anyone through any media, and others can do the same. Be sure to make backups of your work too. The content you submit on the platform is not confidential: Any content you submit or post on is likely to be publicly available, including all petitions you create and your comments to any petitions you signed (on the Our sites, in apps and in social media pages). If you are concerned about other YouCount.ca community members, or people you don’t know, seeing a particular message or other content of yours, please do not post it. If you do not wish to have your name publicly displayed in connection with a particular petition, you may select the option not to display your signature publicly. Please check out our Privacy Policy for more details on information we collect and share when you use the platform.

The content you post (including photos) remains yours, and you also allow us to reuse and share it: By submitting and posting content, you do not lose any ownership rights you may have in your content. However, you authorize us to share this content with anyone, distribute it on any platform and in any media, and to make modifications or edits to it as we see fit (e.g. for clarity or optimization purposes). We will notify you if there is any usage of your media or content shared on our platform. For example, we may shorten a petition title for it to appear on our homepage, reformat a petition for a video highlighting petition victories, or share the content with interested media. You also authorize us to allow others to do the same with your content. In legal language, by submitting or posting content on or through the YouCount.ca platform, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free license (with the right to sublicense) to use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, publish, transmit, display, and distribute your content in any and all media or distribution methods (existing now or later developed). This includes making your content available to other companies, organizations or individuals who partner with YouCount for the syndication, broadcast, distribution, or publication of content on other media. You represent and warrant that you have all the rights, power, and authority necessary to authorize us to use any content that you submit. You also agree to all such uses of your content with no compensation paid to you.

Sharing campaigns: Except in very limited circumstances where we’ll expressly ask you not to, we encourage you to link to, post to social media and third party services, such as Facebook, Twitter or Reddit, share via email, or otherwise copy and share individual petitions and campaigns of interest to you, but only for informational, non-commercial purposes. If you share another user’s petitions and campaigns, you may not make any modifications, and you may not remove any attributions. When you post content to any third party service through the features and functionalities of our platform, you will be subject to the terms of that third party service. If you want to remove any petition or content from a third party service, you should contact that third party service and request removal directly from them.

No user content storage: We are not a content-archiving service. We do not promise to store or make available on our platform any content that you or other users may post for any length of time. You are solely responsible for keeping backups of everything you post on the platform.

Open platform

Petitions and campaigns on YouCount.ca represent many opinions of millions of people. We don’t take responsibility for their views, nor do we monitor content for legality or accuracy. We are not responsible for the content of our users, and we do not monitor user content: content posted by users comes from people, organizations, and other various sources. We make no promises about the reliability of any source or the accuracy, usefulness, safety, or intellectual property rights of any user content nor do we endorse any campaigns or petitions, or support any views, opinions, recommendations, or advice that may be posted by users. You acknowledge that certain petition starters may have commercial interests in their campaigns. We do not monitor or review petitions or other content submitted by users, or evaluate them for compliance with foreign or domestic laws and regulations. You therefore use the YouCount.ca service and rely on any content you find at your own risk.

If you find any petition or other user content that violates our Community Guidelines, please use the “Report a policy violation” function on each petition page or file a Help Centre Request.

Links out: When you use our platform, you will find links to other websites that we don’t own or control. We are not responsible for the content or any other aspect of these third party sites, including their collection of information about you. You should also read their terms and conditions and privacy policies.

Our rights

We own the YouCount.ca platform including the website, present or future apps and services, and things like our logo, API, code and content created by our employees. All rights, title, and interest in and to the YouCount.ca platform and services including our websites, our existing or future applications, our APIs, databases, and the content our employees or partners submit or provide through our service (but excluding content provided by users) are and will remain the exclusive property of YouCount.ca and its licensors. Any feedback, comments, or suggestions you may provide regarding YouCount.ca, or the services are entirely voluntary and we will be free to use such feedback, comments or suggestions as we see fit and without any obligation to you.

Binding Agreement: By using the YouCount.ca platform you agree to abide by these Terms and our Community Guidelines, and you consent to YouCount.ca collecting, using and sometimes sharing information about you as stated in our Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy. If you accept these terms and policies and use the YouCount.ca services on behalf of a company, organization, government, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorized to do so.

How to Contact Us

Users may visit YouCount.ca/contact and ask Us any questions/inquires about our policies.

Why We Use Cookies

This site uses cookies from us and our trusted partners to make your browsing experience more convenient and personal. Cookies store useful information on your computer to help us improve the efficiency and relevance of our site for you. In some cases, they are essential to making the site work properly. By accessing this site, you direct us to use and consent to the use of cookies listed in the cookie policy. For more information, refer to YouCount's privacy policy and cookie policy.